Monday, September 28, 2009

Typography post

I feel like posting in different ways so this week Im going to post like a Q & A survey you would see in an article.

Anne Frances Wysocki- Given what you’ve read, what seems to you most important — in general — to keep in mind while arranging type on a page or screen?

Matthew Charles Cisz- What isnt important when considering type arrangement on a page or screen! Well first of all, if your talking about page or screen you need to take into consideration screen based fonts like georgia for instance, which was designed for the screen. Nowadays just about any font works whether you are dealing with screen or page. Now other than categorizing you have to think about the leading of the type, which means how much space you want to have in between each line. You also have kearning which alters the space between two given characters, but it should not be confused with tracking! Tracking controls the space in between all characters, or the characters selected. You could also talk about how you want the type aligned whether it be justified, center, align left or align right, it all depends on what your purpose is. Other than that there are endless possibilities when it comes to font choices and weights and sizes but thats a whole other topic!

AFW- Given what you read, what are the 4-5 specific guidelines or suggestions that you will most try to apply as you work with type on page or screen?

-5 words. Leading. Tracking. Kearning. Typeface. Size. Weight. Opps that was six, oh I lied I appologize Anne. That is limiting options of words to the max, there are so many other guidelines to follow.

AFW-Was there anything in the readings that surprised you? Anything that you think should have been in the readings but wasn’t?

MCC-Well well well, I dont think anything surprised me, but just the repitition of type basics and pounding them into my thick skull! Oh and I couldn't be more pleased.

Thank you for the links, most of them are in my bookmarks now!

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